Community Projects
“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something” - Barack Obama
Community involvement has been a major part of my undergraduate experience. Being involved in the local community allowed me to take what I learned in the classroom and put it to practical use.
March 31, 1964, students at Richard J. Murray High School conducted a sit-in at the then-segregated Hotel Ponce De Leon dining room. Police armed with electric cattle prods and dogs marched the young demonstrators through the breezeway and arrested most students. One of those students was Patricia Roberson, who would later attend Flagler College and graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. This Civil Rights Plaque was dedicated to the Civil Rights Heroes and Sheroes that participated in the Sit-in.
Patricia Roberson Civil Rights Marker
Pride on West Side is a beautification project that aims to service the West Augustine community by repairing homes, fixing the parks, and making a community mural to preserve the rich culture that lives there. I served on their board as the Flagler College student volunteer coordinator, tasked with managing students that want to get involved with this project.
Pride in the West Side
During the Fall 2021 Semester I was featured on the Flagler Magazine. In the article I discussed why I became so involved in the campus and local community along with some of the hardships I faced as SGA President during COVID-19 and social change.
Driven to make a Difference
We Feed St. Augustine provides families with premade food and groceries for a week. Partnered with various non-profits, restaurants, and churches, this project aimed to help those who need it most, no questions asked, with free food! In this project, I was the liaison between the CEO and the local community.