Spencer’s Intention with Digital Writing 

I have historically been a bad writer, but this semester everything is going to change. My personal mantra is that “I can overcome any challenges, as long as I’m willing to fail” with this class I’m taking failure into my own hands. I have 3 goals that I’ve set for myself:

1. Improve my writing so that I can work on my thesis.

2. Find my creative writing voice for future writings.

3. Incorporate more writing into my resume so I can find a job/internship with a news organization.  

Since this is my first year in Graduate school, I figured now is the best time to perfect/refine my writing skills especially since I want to start working on my thesis paper as soon as possible. Sometimes, I feel like I take a longer way to say something simple, a.k.a I want to be more concise in my writing.  

Besides wanting to be more concise in my writing I think finding my own creative writing voice and style would be a great advantage as I further my education and I want to also write more op-eds in the future. With my minor in journalism, it feels kind of embarrassing how heavily I rely on ChatGPT, Bard, and Grammarly to assist in my writing and be my voice. But even after the first day I feel like I’ve learned so much about the importance of having your own voice and having nuances in your writing that AI can’t replicate.

Lastly, I want to show that I have a writing background on my resume and there's no better way than to just do it. I like the idea that we will be posting our blogs publicly and that our professor will help tweak/perfect the writing. I hope that by the time this class finishes I not only have interesting pieces that I’m proud of but also have a better eye for spotting journalist stories. 


How to overcome your fears of digital writing.